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Kidshapes Tangram Activities (digital Download)

# barklmb232dl
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Kidshapes Tangram Activities (digital Download)
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    Product Specifications
    Print one of the activities from our Kidshapes Tangram Activities E-Book, put it on a magnetic-receptive surface, and watch your children go to work! The 12 lessons in this digital download are designed to be used with our Learning Magnets Tangrams.
    Print one of the activities from our Kidshapes Tangram Activities E-Book, put it on a magnetic-receptive surface, and watch your children go to work! The 12 lessons in this digital download are designed to be used with our Learning Magnets Tangrams (LM-2305). The activity pages include patterns that your children complete with their magnetic tangram pieces. These patterns are designed to help students bridge the gap between "free play" and more challenging activities that they can enjoy with tangrams as their spatial relation-ship and problem-solving skills grow. Ages 4+, Grades PreK+ View all our Magnet Activity Kits! Magnetic Activity Kits
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