Product ID
Uniquely identifies the product within the cart system
Product SKU
Uniquely identifies the product within the cart system
Units of Measure (Weight)
Length/Width/Height Units of Measure
Number of product in stock
UNIX Timestamp representing last modification date
UNIX Timestamp representing product creation date
Whether or not the product is published
Possible values: single letter 'Y' or 'N'
Features about the product
Product Safety Information
Order the product appears in, A higher number means the item appears first
Defaults to 0
Product Hash - Internal Use Only
Last time product images were checked - Internal Use Only
Thumb File ID - Internal Use Only
Whether or not product can have coupons
defaults to 0 which allows coupons, set to 1 to disallow coupons
Category path(s), individual categories are seperated by a textual arrow '/', full paths are seperated by semicolons '|'