

Product ID
Uniquely identifies the product within the cart system
Product SKU
Uniquely identifies the product within the cart system
Product Name

Short Description
Long Description
Units of Measure (Weight)
Product Length
Product Width
Product Height
Length/Width/Height Units of Measure
Number of product in stock
Product Price
Product UPC
Product Manufacturer SKU
Product EAN
Product ISBN
UNIX Timestamp representing last modification date
UNIX Timestamp representing product creation date
Whether or not the product is published
Possible values: single letter 'Y' or 'N'
Features about the product
Product Safety Information
Order the product appears in, A higher number means the item appears first
Defaults to 0
Product Hash - Internal Use Only
Last time product images were checked - Internal Use Only
Thumb File ID - Internal Use Only
Whether or not product can have coupons
defaults to 0 which allows coupons, set to 1 to disallow coupons
Category path(s), individual categories are seperated by a textual arrow '/', full paths are seperated by semicolons '|'
Manufacturer's Name
